The average house price on HOYLE BECK CLOSE is £337,392
The most expensive house in the street is 14 HOYLE BECK CLOSE with an estimated value of £395,136
The cheapest house in the street is 5 HOYLE BECK CLOSE with an estimated value of £255,812
The house which was most recently sold was 1 HOYLE BECK CLOSE, this sold on 29 Apr 2022 for £340,000
The postcode for HOYLE BECK CLOSE is HD7 5RB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £352,723 £340,000 29 Apr 2022
2 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £320,259 £240,000 3 Oct 2016
3 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £387,409 £225,000 30 Mar 2012
4 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £331,650 £290,000 26 Feb 2021
5 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £255,812 £210,000 3 Jul 2020
6 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £299,504 £230,000 13 Apr 2017
8 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £318,257 £238,500 7 Oct 2016
10 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £318,559 £240,000 30 Nov 2016
12 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £394,614 £290,000 30 Mar 2016
14 HOYLE BECK CLOSE Detached £395,136 £250,000 8 Aug 2007